Terms of Use
By using this application and any functionality available in it, you fully agree to the terms of use below.
If you do not agree with any of these terms, we ask that you immediately stop using the app and website.
Nomenclatures used in this document:
- PROVIDER: the company creator and sole owner of the system,
source code, data and any information related to MeuScrum
- USER: System user, always individual (although representing a legal person)
- SYSTEM: application now available, accessible via internet
- SOURCE CODE: files with programming code, composing, as a whole, the SYSTEM
- BACKUP: security copy of the information stored in the database
The use of resources is made free of charge at no cost to the USER, except in explicit cases,
informed by the PROVIDER.
You agree that the PROVIDER responsibility is limited and does not include the guarantee of maintenance
of the information stored in the database, to be made available in 100% of the time the SYSTEM to all users,
given the fact that the PROVIDER depends of third-party services to provide to the SYSTEM for the USERS,
such as (but not limited to) hosting servers, internet connection providers, etc.)
MeuScrum is a SYSTEM that has by premised on good faith of use. Therefore, the PROVIDER is not liable
for false records and misuse by users, against whom undertake all possible efforts in order to combat
such practices.
The PROVIDER engages in better prevention measures, seeking to prevent the stored data is not accessed
by unauthorized third parties. However, the PROVIDER is not liable if the information being accessed
by hackers, malicious users or other persons (including employees of subcontractors in providing
the service, as the hosting provider and others). The PROVIDER also undertakes not to provide the stored
information to third parties without permission of the USER, except in cases of a court order.
The USER declares that is using this system to simplify project management and progress review,
not being such information for critical uses. Thus, agrees and exempts the PROVIDER occur in any
situation where loss of information of any type/nature entered into the SYSTEM by the USER.
The PROVIDER may charge any amount or value by the use of the SYSTEM, simply communicating with
a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to the USER to rule whether to or not to continue using the SYSTEM.
The PROVIDER may also terminate at any time, providing the service, simply fulfilling the same
time limit (30 days) for notification the USER, through the SYSTEM panel.
The PROVIDER may, at its sole discretion, implement new features or remove other existing for the SYSTEM,
and correct any existing programming/using errors. USER requests may or may not be met.
The PROVIDER can send messages about other own systems and / or partners, such as advertising and
publicity driven by mutual interest to users. However, the PROVIDER agrees not to distribute the
e-mail list of registered users to any third party, especially for public mailing lists or sending spam.
The USER declares that understands and accepts that the PROVIDER is the ONLY owner of the SYSTEM and
its SOURCE CODE, although it will give suggestions for improvements / corrections.
Such suggestions, when issued, are free, not requiring the payment by the PROVIDER,
in any amount or benefit to the USER.
Also you understand and agree that at no time may request or require that the PROVIDER
cede, sell, rent or donate SOURCE CODE, leaving it to the latter the decision.
This term also applies to the case of service interruption by PROVIDER.
The PROVIDER may, at its discretion, make backups of the information in order to restore it in
case of system crash. But the USER understands that this BACKUP is not mandatory, as well as the
PROVIDER is not obligated to give it, if available, to anyone, if not of interest to it.
In case of failure, the PROVIDER will arrange the restoration of the last available BACKUP,
regardless of when that was done, with the USER aware that if such an event happens,
it may lose data between the period of the last BACKUP and restoration.
The USER hereby exempts the PROVIDER from any liability, judicial or extrajudicial, civil or penal,
in the event of any fortuitous event occurring with the information stored in databases.
The USER is responsible for other USERs registration, who will participate in its projects as well
as providing access to their projects registered in the SYSTEM, exempting PROVIDER from now on
for any access or improper attitude of these USERs
In such cases, the new USER will be invited to participate in the project and can accept
the proposal or reject it by his own will.
The USER is also directly responsible by you and other users by him registered in the case of
attempts successful or unsuccessful from unauthorized invasions of SYSTEM, as well as any act
that causes damage to information stored in the database or to SYSTEM.
In case of improper use of the SYSTEM by the USER or any other registered by him,
the PROVIDER may take any necessary measures, including legal acts, in the face of what happened.
The USER is responsible for its data access, especially the password, which is stored encrypted in
the database, exempting PROVIDER for its misuse by third parties and / or unauthorized.
The USER agrees to use the SYSTEM only for the purpose it was intended, including the
prohibition on use of it for file storage:
copyright violating
which has no direct relationship to the associated task
that references or contains sexually oriented material (explicit or not)
that references or contains discriminatory materials (race, religious belief or political opinion)
which incites hatred
that contains any reference to violence
that violates any law of Children and Adolescents Act (Brazilian 'ECA')
any other material prohibited by Brazilian law or international treaties to which Brazil is a signatory
The USER understands that may have be suspended and / or permanently deleted account
as well as related information, if the PROVIDER detects violation evidences any of the usage rules.
The PROVIDER may adjust / improve this Agreement and the USER agrees to regularly visit this page
to see any changes.
The USER understands that the SYSTEM is constantly evolving and therefore this would be
of possible abnormal behavior. The PROVIDER will try to make efforts to minimize the impact
that changes in the SOURCE CODE structure may cause in the SYSTEM, but exempt PROVIDER from any
liability resulting from these changes, which are performed aimed solely at improving the functionality offered.
Printed in 02/17/2025 01:51